Complaint Escalation Form

We are sorry your complaint hasn't been satisfactorily resolved.

Please note that in order to submit an escalation, you must have logged a complaint and are unhappy with the feedback received.

Escalation Form

Leave this field blank
Please enter your First and Last Name
Provide us with your mobile number e.g. 080 505 050 50
Please enter your 10-Digit NUBAN*
Where (or how) did you make your complaint?
May we know which branch?
You were provided with a Request ID when you earlier made the complaint e.g. xxxxx
Please select the category of your complaint
What are you unhappy about? Please provide a detailed reason for this escalation.
(Optional) You can attach up to four (4) documents (or screenshots) - The document should not exceed 5MB (5,000KB)
Choose file
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