KeySwift is a self-service solution which allows companies make payments to any beneficiaries account in Nigeria from any location over the internet. It gives Corporate customers control of their account for various types of payments.
Benefit of Keyswift Payment Solution:
- It is a Web based multi-gateway platform which allows customer to choose from either single or bulk debit payment
- Immediate credit of salary /vendor payments to the beneficiaries account with notification to both parties.
- Less reliance on the bank for payments to beneficiaries anywhere and at any time of the day.
- Single or multiple source/funding bank account can be configured during setup for payments.
- Ability to expunge & add beneficiaries on the schedules and to save schedules on the platform for future use.
- Customers can generate account statements, generate bulk/ individual receipts from the comfort of their homes/offices at any time.
- Payments can be initiated at any date and time by customers and scheduled to future dates of their convenience upon approval.
- Self-service password reset.
- Receipt generation for both the bulk sum and individual transactions.
- Runs on secure https with valid certificate authority.